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Complaints policy

Scope: Otto Car Ltd aims to provide the highest levels of services and customer care that are aimed at meeting the needs of our customers while upholding the contractual obligations of both parties. While we are proud of our high levels of customer satisfaction, we recognise that things may go wrong therefore we have set out a comprehensive complaints procedure that details how a customer may register a complaint and what the complainant can expect by way of feedback and/or resolution.

A formal complaint should be the last resort and it is incumbent upon both parties to exhaust all other paths of resolution prior to a complaint being recorded.

Before Making A Formal Complaint: Ensure that you understand the Terms & Conditions of your Agreement. Ensure that you fully understand your obligations regarding your Agreement. Ensure that you fully understand Otto Car Ltd obligations to you under the terms of your Agreement. If you are unhappy about any Otto car interaction please discuss with the member of staff at the time. If this is not rectified or this is not possible please ask to speak to the Department Manager.

Most disagreements can be dealt with straight away however, when the matter is more complicated or a resolution is not provided please follow our complaint procedure below.

How To Make A Complaint: Otto Car Ltd will only investigate a complaint when it is made in writing (either letter or email) and sent to the following addresses:

By email: complaints@ottocar.co.uk By post: General Manager Otto Car Ltd 3 Sussex Place, Hammerssmith London, W6 9EA

The complaint should contain as much information as possible including; vehicle registration number, nature of the complaint, dates, names, circumstances, etc. all of which will speed up the investigation. For clarity; Statements and/or reviews posted on social media platforms including but not limited to; Trustpilot, Google etc. are not considered as ‘in writing’ and will not form part of the Company’s Complaint Audit process. The Company reserve the right to respond to negative comments via the appropriate Platform however, customers should use the Company’s Complaints Procedure prior to posting such reviews.

What We Will Do Once We Have Received Your Complaint: The complaints team will review the complaint with appropriate members of senior management and determine how best to deal with the complaint. Any such investigation will be competently, diligently and impartially carried out. A conclusion will be reached on whether the complaint should be upheld, and if so, what remedial action or redress (or both) may be appropriate.

If early resolution of the complaint is not possible the complaints team will forward the complaint to the relevant department manager for clarification and senior management. You will get a confirmation of this within 5 working days.

Investigating And Resolving Your Complaint: We will investigate your complaint fairly, consistently and promptly, perform a root cause analysis, determine whether the complaint should be upheld, and (if appropriate) determine remedial action and / or redress. We will set out our conclusions in a final response to you within 3 weeks of receiving your complaint.

If we decide that redress is appropriate we will aim to provide you with fair remedy for any acts or omissions for which we are responsible. 

Our Timetable For Responding To You: Once we have acknowledged your complaint we will keep you informed of our progress. Within four weeks of us receiving your complaint we will send you either a final response or a written response which explains why we are not in a position to make a final response to you and when we might be expected to provide one

We will regard your complaint as closed in the following circumstances:

  • once we have sent you a final response.
  • where you have told us in writing that you accept an earlier response that we have sent to you.


BVRLA Conciliation Service Should you not be satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can also contact the BVRLA of which Otto Car is a member of. The BVRLA runs a Trading Standards Institute-approved alternative dispute resolution (ADR) service which is available in those rare circumstances where you have exhausted our member's complaints procedure and still remain dissatisfied. Details of which are available by clicking the link below.
