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Insurance, Breakdown & Claims

Our new driver support page is here to guide you in the right direction.

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Hirer’s Rights & Responsibilities

Please take down third party name, telephone number, car registration and address. The Hirer MUST take photos of all vehicles involved in the accident. The Hirer MUST exchange insurance details with the other parties involved in the accident and report the accident to the police where necessary. Please also note how many passengers are in the third part vehicle.

The Hirer MUST NOT drive the vehicle unless he/she has either received written confirmation from either Otto Car Ltd or an authorised representative of Otto Car Ltd, that they are insured to do so.

All accidents must be reported by the Hirer within 3 hours of the time and date of the accident occurring or from when the Hirer becomes aware of an incident having taken place.

The Hirer MUST obtain all Third-Party details.

The Hirer will be required to pay £1,000 per fault claim for the first 12 months and then £750 per fault claim thereafter. A Claim Contribution is due once the claim is assessed by Otto Car Ltd.

The Hirer MUST notify Otto Car Ltd of the damage to a vehicle and must only take the vehicle to an Otto Car Ltd approved repairer.

The Hirer must attend a post-accident meeting with Otto Car Ltd or provide 24-hour written notice if the Hirer will not be able to attend.

If the Hirer does not accept the PHV Insurance Cover arranged by Otto Car Ltd, or if it is terminated or withdrawn for any reason by Otto Car Ltd, the Hirer must obtain at their own expense an alternative appropriate insurance cover.

The Hirer shall have no right or title to ownership of an Otto Car Ltd rented vehicle except where the Hirer has purchased the vehicle as per the terms and conditions of the main Otto Car Ltd Rental Agreement.

The Hirer is not covered under the Otto Car Ltd PHV Insurance outside of the United Kingdom.

The Hirer must immediately comply with all safety training and development requirements when advised by Otto Car Ltd. Failure to adhere to any safety training and development requirements will result in the removal of the Hirer from the PHV Insurance Cover arranged by Otto Car Ltd and may result in the termination of the Rental Agreement with Otto Car Ltd.

Otto Car’s Rights & Responsibilities

Otto Car Ltd will provide PHV insurance cover to the Hirer as defined in the main Otto Car Ltd Rental Agreement subject to the Hirer meeting the acceptable criteria.

Following the notification of a new accident the Hirer will be contacted with confirmation of a date and time when the Hirer will be required to attend an Otto Car Ltd Hub for a Post-Accident Investigation meeting, along with the assessment of the damage and review of the accident circumstances. Repair requirements will be arranged and when appropriate Otto Car Ltd will endeavour to provide the Hirer with a replacement PCO vehicle.

A £250 Penalty will be charged to the Hirer for failing to report a new Accident within 3 hours of the Accident occurring or from when the Hirer becomes aware of an incident having taken place.

Otto Car Ltd reserves the right to increase the amount of the Claim Contribution and/or Windscreen Claim Contribution by immediate notice in writing to the Hirer at any time should the Hirer not observe their obligations as defined in the main Otto Car Ltd Rental Agreement.

Otto Car Ltd reserves the right to charge the Hirer a £250 penalty charge should the Hirer fail to obtain all Third-Party Details at the scene of the accident.

Otto Car Ltd reserves the right to increase the amount of the Claim Contribution following immediate notice in writing to the Hirer at any time.

Otto Car Ltd will arrange for a repairer to rectify the damage in a timely manner.

Otto Car Ltd reserves the right to remove the Hirer from the Otto Car Ltd insurance cover if the Hirer fails to attend the required Post-Accident Meeting.

Otto Car Ltd reserves the right to terminate the main Rental Agreement if the Hirer is deemed uninsurable by Otto Car Ltd and/or the insurance Underwriter, or if the Hirer fails to provide proof of acceptable alternative insurance cover.

The vehicle and all additional equipment (provided by Otto Car Ltd) such as Dashcams shall always remain the property of Otto Car Ltd except where the Hirer has purchased the vehicle as per the terms and conditions of the main Otto Car Ltd Rental Agreement.

Any queries concerning the Territorial Limits of the Otto Car Ltd PHV Insurance should be sent to Insurance@ottocar.co.uk

Otto Car Ltd reserves the right to use telematic data collected and processed from a vehicle for the purpose of identifying safety training and development requirements.

Breakdown Support

Our recovery provider is open 24/7, 365 days a year. If your call is on a Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 5:30pm we will attempt to send our in-house recovery team to you. If the call is outside of those hours or the vehicle requires towing, your call will be transferred to a recovery company who can assist you.

Our in-house recovery team will attempt to reach you anywhere inside of the M25, provided it is feasible within the standard working hours. If not, the call will be transferred to a recovery company who are able to recover vehicles from anywhere within the M25 at any time of day.

    If your vehicle is under 1 year old the manufacturer provides Nationwide recovery. Please call the relevant manufacturer assist program from the list below, you may be redirected if you call our recovery line.
  • Kia assist - all out free only when the car is within the 1st year of registration date - 0333 202 1827,
  • Nissan Assist - Call out free only when the car is within 3 years of registration date - 0330 123 1231,
  • MG Assist - Call out free only when the car is within the 1st year of registration date - 0800 072 3338,
  • Toyota Assist - Call out free only when the car is within the 1st year of registration date - 0800 246 824,
  • Hyundai Assist - Call out free only when the car is within the 1st year of registration date - 0800 980 2733,
  • Mercedes Assist - Call out free only when the car is within 3 years of registration date - 0207 975 7077 // 0800 1777 7777,
  • Skoda Assist - Call out free only when the car is within 3 years of registration date - 0330 100 3243,
  • Tesla Assist - Call out free only when the car is within the 1st year of registration date - 0162 845 0660,
  • VW Assist - Call out free only when the car is within 3 years of registration date - 0800 777 192

On termination of the hiring of the vehicle under the main Otto Car Ltd Rental Agreement, however caused and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Hirer, the Hirer shall pay to Otto Car on demand damages for any costs and expenses incurred by Otto Car Ltd in recovering the vehicle or in collecting any sums due under the Otto Car Ltd Rental Agreement (including any storage, insurance, repair, transport, legal, cancellation fee and remarketing costs)