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What to do if you get into an accident


Driving on the road most of the day or night in the private hire industry makes you more at risk of being in an accident. If you’ve ever been in a car accident before, you’ll know it can be a stressful and difficult experience. If it ever happens to you, we want to be on hand to make sure you know what to do, so here at Otto Car we’ve laid out our simple step-by-step plan guide.

PCO car accident

Firstly, don’t panic and stay calm.  It sounds easy but you might be surprised by your reactions at the time. If it’s safe to do so, try to take a picture at the point of collision (before moving the car) and once you’ve taken sufficient photos of your PCO car and the third parties, park it in a safe position. This part is crucial to your claims process and will help your case, the more photographic evidence of the scene, the better.

Point of colllision

It’s all in the details..   At this point try to get as much information on the third party and their vehicle as possible. Get the other party’s registration number, name, address, driver’s licence number, and if possible note down a description of them (gender, height hair colour). Please also note down the exact time and location of the incident. You’ll be surprised how many people forget the exact time it occurred. Best note it down early for future reference.

Third party details

You should also write a brief description of the incident as your memory will still be fresh.  If you leave this to later your memory of the events may change and you might miss out on key pieces of information that might be vital to your case.

Third party description

Please report the incident to your insurer (or for Otto car drivers,  call the dedicated helpline sticker in the front windshield). They’ll be able to assist you from there and take you through the process.

Insurance Accident line

That’s it! Don’t forget that all of Otto Car’s PCO cars come with our free accident claims assistance service as standard. If the worst happens and you have an accident, we’ll be here to help every step of the way with our experienced team. If you work in the private hire industry and want to learn more about how we can help you get on the road by clicking here 

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