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Avoiding car park PCN’s


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As part of Otto Car’s driver awareness campaign, we wanted to inform all drivers about car park fines in London. A lot of PCO drivers use retail car parks to have a break, grab a bite to eat or to pick up passengers, and are failing to read the signage in the car park.

You must not assume that parking is free and that you can drive in/out without paying. Most car parks will have CCTV/ANPR which captures your number plate and entry/exit times.


We have noticed a steady increase in car park fines for two things:

  1. Overstaying in car parks 
  2. Failing to pay for parking

Here’s a list of the recent car park fines we’ve received over the last month.

  • Morrisons Southwark
  • Morrison, Peckham
  • Morrisons, Stratford
  • Morrisons, Acton
  • Copthorne Tara Hotel, Kensington
  • Crown Plaza, London Docklands
  • MRH BP Petrol Station
  • Sainsburys, Cromwell Road
  • Wigmore Par District Centre, Luton
  • Shell Petrol Station – Gatwick North
  • Chingford Health Centre

Please remember to keep a receipt of any purchases made during your stay in a retail car park, this will be very important should you wish to lodge an appeal.

The majority of car park fines we receive here at Otto Car come from Parking Eye, a car park management company which looks after many of your well known supermarkets and hotels including Morrisons and Sainsburys. Their signage will look similar to the photo below.

Parking Eye PCN

If you want to confirm car park rules whilst on-site, please enquire with the retail business you’re visiting as well as reading the signage in the car park.


AVA Car Park 

If you’re based or working around Heathrow, there is a cheaper and more convenient place for you to relax in your car. On the 15th June 2016, Heathrow Airport decided to improve the lives of thousands of PCO drivers who pick up passengers by opening a private car park for their use only.

Officially titled the Authorised Vehicle Area, the private car park is perfect for PCO drivers who are waiting for passengers to arrive or want a rest before starting a new shift.

Location: Northern Perimeter Road

Opening Times: 05:00 to 23:00 every day


0-1 hrs  £1

1-2 hrs £2

2-3 hrs £3

3-4 hrs £4

4-5 hrs £5

Geo-fencing: You’ll need to be in this area to be able to find passengers as Uber will geo-fence you in the car-park.

AVA Car Park Heathrow

Want to learn more?

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